Don't forget to order your Class of 2025 yard sign from Partner in Education, Ponytails and Lollipops, price is $30. They are single sided. If you want double sided, the price is $40. Just note that on the order form if you wish to have a double sided sign.
Our PTSA will receive $5 for every order placed!
Order here



Click here to sign up for volunteering opportunities at Pope

(PPO, Front Office, Counseling Dept., and Learning Commons).


Click here to access our Teacher & Faculty Favorites + Wish Lists


iPhone - Apple store


Android - Google app store






If you have information to include in the Hound Highlights newsletter, please forward it to to be included in the next Hound Highlights edition.


To receive the Hounds Highlights, simply log in to your membership toolkit account HERE and verify that your contact information is correct, and check to allow the receipt of communication from the PTSA.